1: Everyone Plays
We do not hold tryouts; nor do we cut kids from our teams. Everyone who registers
is assigned to a team. During the season everyone receives equal practice time and
plays at least half of every game.
2: Safety First
Although some children may get hurt playing sports, we do all we can to prevent
injuries. We’ve modified each sport to make it safer. We ask you to take time to
check that the equipment and facilities are safe and only teach the sport as
instructed by your coach, so that the skills taught are appropriate for each child’s
developmental level. Players should increase their fitness levels gradually so they
are conditioned for the sport. We rely on parents to supervise their players and stop
any unsafe activities.
3: Fair Play
Fair play is about more than playing by the rules. It’s about other players showing
respect for everyone involved in youth sports. It’s about being a role model of good
sportsmanship and guiding your players to do the same. We’re more interested in
developing children’s character through sports than in developing a few highly
skilled players.
4: Positive Competition
We believe competition is positive when the pursuit of victory is kept in the right
perspective. Winning isn’t everything. Learning to compete is important for
children, and learning to cooperate in a competitive world is an essential life skill.
The “right perspective” means adults make decisions that put the best interests of
the children above winning the game. These are the lessons we want to teach
through youth sports.
5: Family Involvement
We encourage parents to be involved appropriately along with their child. In
addition to parents being helpful as volunteer coaches, officials, and timekeepers,
we encourage them to be at practices and games to support their child’s
6: Sports for All
We strive to make this is an inclusive sports program. That means that children
with different abilities and skill levels are included in participation. We ask our adult
leaders to support and appreciate the diversity of children in our society and to
encourage the children and other parents to do the same. We do not forfeit games;
instead, we share players and proceed with planned games.
7: Sports for Fun
Sports are naturally fun for most children. They love the challenge of mastering the
skills of the game, playing with their friends, and competing with their peers. As
parents, we all have a role to play in keeping the focus on having fun and providing
a positive, supportive environment. The important thing is that everyone enjoys